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(248) 370-3450

m - f8a.m. - 5 p.m.

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你住在哪里将决定你是本地学生还是非本地学生, 并将决定你的学费. 请阅读下面了解OU的居住程序. 



大学用途, “住所”的定义是指个人有意居住的地方, 固定和永久住所和主要机构. 此外,无论何时离开,个体都有返回的意图. 在进入大学后, a student is classified either as a Michigan resident or a nonresident based upon information relating to the student’s domicile. 要申请州内学费,需要确定密歇根州的住所, 除下列情况外. 

个人:其活动和环境的个人, 由大学存档并发现, 证明个人在密歇根州建立了住所,将被归类为居民.  An individual whose presence in the state is based on activities or circumstances that are indeterminate or temporary, 例如(但不限于)教育追求, 将被推定为不在密歇根州定居,并被归类为非居民.  为了克服非居民身份的推定, a student must file an Application for Reclassification of Residence Status 和 document with clear 和 convincing evidence that a Michigan domicile has been established. 举证责任在申请人身上.

住所证明: 在某些情况下,虽然没有控制,但支持住所的主张. 其他情形构成无住所推定的.  支持住所申索的情况包括:

  • Dependence upon a parent domiciled in Michigan as demonstrated by permanent 就业 和 establishment of a household in the state;
  • 学生或学生配偶在密歇根州的全职工作, 固定位置, 就业是该学生在密歇根留学的主要目的;
  • Residence with Michigan relatives who provide more than half of the student’s support including educational costs. This necessarily means that no non-Michigan resident claims the student as a dependent for income tax purposes.

某些住所的指示可能适用于学生,但这并不意味着该学生将自动被归类为居民,也不意味着该学生可以免除提交申请的责任.  请参阅下面的居留申请流程.


  • 高中、社区学院或大学在校生;
  • 临时工作;
  • 通常由学生担任的职位;
  • 所有权:财产的所有权或租赁权;
  • 在该州有亲属,但上述情况除外;
  • 拥有密歇根州的驾驶执照或选民登记;
  • 缴纳密歇根州的所得税或财产税;
  • 申请人在密歇根州定居的意向声明.

In cases where the University determines that an applicant has not demonstrated establishment of Michigan domicile, unless substantial 和 new information arises that clearly demonstrates the establishment of domicile, 大学将要求申请人提供在该州连续居住一年的证明文件,作为在任何后续申请中确定居民分类资格的标准之一.  The year of continuous presence is never the only criterion used for determining resident eligibility, 和, 本身, 学生是否有资格获得居民身份.  

记录在密歇根持续存在的一年, 申请人将被期望在注册时显示实际存在, 就业, 面对面的金融交易, 医疗保健预约, 等.  在该州拥有租约或永久地址本身并不符合实际存在的条件. 短期缺勤(暑假21天以内), 春假和秋冬之间的假期), 本身, 不会影响一年的要求.  在确定短期缺席的影响时, the nature of the absence will be assessed to determine whether it is contrary to an intent to be domiciled in Michigan.

住所推定:  在某些情况下可以推定住所. 然而, 这种情况的存在并不意味着该学生将被自动归类为密歇根州居民,也不意味着该学生可以免除提交申请的责任.  这些情况包括:

依赖学生:  如果学生年龄在24岁或以下,并且主要从事教育活动,或者没有完全通过就业在经济上自给自足,则该学生被认为是其父母的受抚养人.

(a)  居民:  The following applies only if the student has not taken steps to establish a domicile outside of Michigan or any other action inconsistent with maintaining a Michigan domicile.

  • A dependent student whose parents are domiciled in Michigan is presumed to be eligible for resident classification.
  • A dependent student whose parents are divorced is presumed to be eligible for resident classification purposes if one parent is domiciled in Michigan.
  • A student who is living in Michigan 和 is permanently domiciled in Michigan does not lose residence status if the parents leave Michigan, provided: (i) that the student has completed at least the junior year of high school prior to the parents’ departure, (ii)该学生留在密歇根州, 全日制高中或高等教育机构的在校生.

(b) 非居民: A dependent student whose parents are domiciled outside the state of Michigan is presumed to be a nonresident.

缺席:不在国家: Individuals domiciled in Michigan immediately preceding certain types of absences from the state may retain their eligibility for resident classification under the following conditions:

  • An individual domiciled in Michigan for five years just prior to leaving the state for less than one year may return to the University as a resident for admission 和 tuition purposes.
  • 在开始积极传教工作时居住在密歇根州的个人, 和平队或类似的慈善工作不会失去居民分类的资格,只要他或她积极和持续地从事慈善工作,并持续地声称密歇根州是所得税的合法居住地. 这样的个人的受抚养子女也有资格获得居民分类,条件是:(i)他们从高中直接来到大学,或者他们从高中毕业后一直在大学就读, 并且(ii)他们没有因为学费的原因而申请在其他地方居住.
  • An individual who is domiciled in Michigan immediately preceding an absence from the state for full-time enrollment in school or for a medical residency program, internship or fellowship does not lose eligibility for resident classification provided that the individual has maintained significant ties to the state during his or her absence (e.g., 父母还在本州, 缴纳国家税款, 活跃商业账户), 并且个人没有在另一个州申请居留权以支付学费.

非美国公民的居民身份:  在美国获得永久居民身份的非美国公民, 以及那些持非学生签证的非美国公民, 在美国从事永久工作,其雇主已代表该非美国公民申请或正在申请永久居民身份, 是否有资格考虑归类为居民. A non-US citizen will be eligible for consideration if the non-US citizen’s parents or spouse meet(s) the alien requirements above 和 dependent status also exists. 由于任何支持其资格的原因而获得州内居民分类的学生,后来转移到不符合条件的学生签证,将在收到签证状态更改后转移到非居民身份.

在特殊情况下申请州内学费费率: 无论居住在哪里,州内学费适用于以下人员:

  • 持有十大菠菜台子颁发的助学金或奖学金的研究生;
  • 在密歇根州从事全职、永久工作的学生;
  • 被批准的在线学位或证书课程录取的学生;
  • 现役学生, 或现役军人的配偶或受抚养子女, 美国武装部队的一员, while that active duty member is stationed in Michigan 和 during the student’s continuous enrollment in the academic degree program in which he or she is enrolled if that active duty member is transferred to an active duty location outside Michigan; or if the student is the child of an active duty member 美国武装部队的一员 who was stationed in Michigan but is transferred to an active duty location outside Michigan within the one year period preceding the student’s initial enrollment 和 the student continues to live in Michigan;
  • Students entitled to educational assistance under Title 38 of the United States Code 和 its promulgating regulations as amended from time to time.
  • Students able to demonstrate the following through documentary evidence acceptable to the University:
    (a) attendance at an accredited Michigan high school for at least three (3) years 和 thereafter (i) graduation from an accredited Michigan high school, or (ii) receipt of a Michigan General Educational Development High School Equivalency Certificate (GED); 和 (iii) commencement of education at the University within forty months of graduating from a Michigan high school or receipt of a GED.
    以确定在这种情况下有资格获得州内学费, 学生不需要是密歇根州或美国的合法居民.

上诉过程: Any student desiring to challenge his or her initial residency classification may appeal by submitting a 居住权重新分类 form with supporting documents. 初步审查后, 学生可以上诉, 由大学教务处或指定人员审核. 最后上诉可向重新分类上诉委员会提出. 委员会只在必要时召开会议. 居留重新分类上诉委员会的决定是最终的.



申请截止日期为学期第一天前30天, 或者在迟到的情况下, 截止到逾期登记的最后一天. 请查看我们的校历 重要的日期和截止日期. 在此截止日期之后提交的请求可能会调整到下学期.

居住权重新分类 用于入学和学费

  1. 学生的责任和住院医师申请过程
    1. All students have the responsibility to apply for admission under the proper residency classification. If a student indicates Michigan resident status on the admissions 应用程序 和 the undergraduate or graduate admissions office questions that status, 学生将被归类为非居民,并被告知需要向居留身份重新分类上诉办公室提交居留身份重新分类申请. The fact that a student’s claim to residency for University purposes is questioned does not necessarily mean that he or she will be ineligible for resident status; it simply means that the student’s circumstances must be documented 和 reviewed. 招生人员未能对学生声称的居民资格提出质疑,并不免除学生根据适当的居民分类申请和注册的责任. 此外, 大学可以随时审核已注册或未来的学生是否符合居民分类的资格,并可以重新对根据不适当的居民分类注册的学生进行分类.
    2. 如果存在以下任何一项因素,将被初步列为非居民:
      1. 个人在向大学申请时居住在州外.
      2. The individual has attended or graduated from an out-of-state high school (applies if the individual is 24 years of age or younger).
      3. The individual has attended or graduated from an out-of-state high school 和 has been involved in educational pursuits for the majority of time since graduation from high school.
      4. 个人在过去三年内有过州外的工作或住所.
  2. 居留重新分类申请所需的文件
    1. 申请重新分类时,必须包括以下文件:
      1. 完整的申请.
      2. 一份书面的、签名的声明,解释为什么密歇根是一个人永久的、真正的家.
      3. A letter from the employer of the student or family member providing the major support for the student that verifies the following:
        1. 全职,永久身份
        2. 职务名称
        3. 密歇根工作开始时间(开始日期)
        4. 对于非美国公民,任何申请永久居留权的状态
      4. 密歇根家庭住宅证明文件(租赁或购房协议).
        1. 如果学生的名字没有出现在居留文件上,并且学生是根据可以证明密歇根州永久居留的配偶来申请的,则需要学生的结婚证副本.
      5. 退伍军人必须提交一份DD-214“退伍证书”的复印件。
      6. 国际学生需提供学生签证或绿卡复印件
        1. For international students applying as dependents of a spouse or parent who can demonstrate permanent Michigan residence, 还需要配偶或家庭成员的签证或绿卡复印件.
        2. 请, 注:根据本科目录中记录的大学政策:“唯一有资格考虑归类为居民的外国人是那些持学生签证以外的签证(F1)的人。”.
      7. Applicants also are responsible for providing any other documentation that may be required by the University to support their claim to resident eligibility.
  3. 虚假陈述和伪造信息
    1. 申请人或学生提供虚假或误导性信息,或故意遗漏与居留资格相关的任何文件中的相关信息,可能会受到法律或纪律处分, 包括撤销入学或开除. 根据这类信息被错误分类为居民的学生,他们的居民分类将被改变,并可能被追溯收取他们被错误分类期间的非居民学费.

注意:十大菠菜台子住院医师指南可在 目录 (search: ‘residency’ ‘other content’ > ‘general information’).

请使用 居住权重新分类 应用程序. 
如果你有任何问题,请提出来邮件 (电子邮件保护) 或致电(248)370-3455.

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